Wednesday 4 April 2012

The waiting game

While we were out in France I got the opportunity to test out the D700 with some long exposure night time shots.
I love long exposures.
I used to shoot them on film, down the train lines and out int he city. I just love the feel and look you get from the street lamps, the shadows and the extra detail that gets burnt in.
Would it surprise you if I said my favourite film is Bladerunner?

Shooting them on film is great for the look and I love it but it is allot more hit and miss with super long exposures. So with the D700's low noise capabilities I have been looking forward to testing it out in the field.

Well it was definitely a test in the field.

Here are a couple of the shots. They were taken around 11pm on wards in the middle of the countryside. Pitch black with a thin crescent moon and clear sky. They were shot on a 24mm and the times were 10min and 18min.


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